Project Settings

You can find these in Project Settings > Codecks Scene Notes. Some settings are shared with the whole team, others are personal.

Org name (shared)

The organisation to pull card data from. The org name is the one that makes up your domain URL. For instance, if your org is on, the org name will be example.

User auth token (personal)

This token is used for all push/pull operations, and is obtained by logging into the Codecks server in the Setup Wizard window.

Last used email (personal)

The last email used to login in the Setup Wizard. This is just stored for convenience, so you don’t have to type it in case you need to login again.

Default deck ID (shared)

The ID of the default deck in which cards will end up when you create a Scene Note from Unity (they can be moved to another deck later).

Unity project folder (shared)

The folder in the project that Notes ScriptableObjects get created in.

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