Creating and editing notes

Creating a new note

To create a new Note, focus on the spot in the scene where you want to create it, and click the Plus button.

The new Scene Note will be associated with the scene that is the currently Active scene. You can always change it later.

Alternatively, you can create a

Editing a note

You can edit the data of a Scene Note by just selecting it in the scene, and editing the data in the Inspector.

Alternatively, you can edit the ScriptableObject directly.

Note status

All notes have a status, which by default is "To do". The status is reflected in the coloured bar at the top of the note's Inspector. You can change a note's status by just clicking the buttons under the bar.

An unstarted note
A completed note

The possible statuses are:

  • To do: grey bar

  • In progress: blue bar

  • Done: green bar

The meaning that you give to each status is up to you and your team.

Deleting a note

To delete a note, press the trash button on the note's toolbar:

The ScriptableObject representing the note will be immediately deleted.

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