Descriptive Scriptable Object

The purpose of this simple class is to provide a text area at the top of a ScriptableObject for the developers to write a concise explanation of where the SO is used, what to expect from it, or any other short note.

Sample usage

For instance, a great idea when using a Shared Value SO is to write which objects in the game write to it. Writing who reads from it might lead to a long description that is not often up to date anyways.

When using RuntimeAnchors, it might make sense to write who is providing the value and in response to what event (is it in Awake, or later?).

Using this class

Inheriting from it

To use this class, simply inherit from it. The inheritor will display the extra text area at the top of the Inspector.

The text value is editor-only, so it's discarded when making a build.

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